
18 January 2008

swedish dance party.. literally.

ok. so i knew that when i went overseas almost two years ago (eek! can't believe its been that long!) my favorite place - other than italia of course - was stockholm, sweden. our free travel group had a bonding ritual we developed before we left that had to do with swedish dance parties....

today i finally decided to spend a bit o' cash at the iTunes store to purchase some of my favorite songs from middle/high school. i bought two entire albums and a handful of singles from four different artists. in researching the backgrounds of these artists, i realized something... interesting.. and freakin' cool:

First off: Robyn... Swedish pop singer/songwriter
album: Robyn Is Here - Do You Really Want Me (Show Respect)

Next: The Cardigans... Swedish band formed in 1992
album: First Band On The Moon - Lovefool

Third: The Wannadies... alternative rock band formed in 1988 in.... you guessed it... SWEDEN
album: Bagsy Me - You and Me Song

weird huh? its kinda like that time when my dad sent me two cds full of songs that were hits in the year of my birth for my 20th birthday and how amazed i was when i realized how many of the songs were ones i'd loved my whole life... what a coincidence.

in case you're wondering who the fourth artist was.... it was janet jackson. (someone to call my lover)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well said.