
31 May 2011

blackout zone.

so i think i've pinpointed the problem i've been having with this blog. i boxed myself in.
when i revamped it back in '08, i gave it a specific theme - driven by grace - but that is not the only purpose i want this thing to serve anymore.
it was just too.. focused. ... which would leave me feeling like if i wanted write on/in [whatever.] this thing, i'd have to limit myself.
it was good for me then, but that's not what i need now.

in my mind right now i'm picturing a scenario.. one in which everyone has probably found themselves. imagine you're in class, or at work, or at home in the middle of doing whatever.. the daily grind, or perhaps even something a little more demanding... and for no apparent reason, the power goes out. completely dead. no lights, no computers, no overhead projector or p.a. system, no loud air conditioners or television. there's always a certain sense of freedom when that happens. you are not held responsible for the work you were doing [or supposed to be doing] because no machinery is responding and you can't see to even pick up a pencil and write something down. it's just you and all the other guys around who come out of their offices to congregate or look around in vain from their desks just to say 'hey. power's out!'. it's kinda like a free time pass. a time where your brain can expand after being under some sort of previously unknown pressure. that free feeling is what i'm seeking.

i need an outlet. a release. something somewhere where i can just say what's on my mind without it being pertinent/relevant/timely/appropriate. and i'm making it right here.

consider this an official notice of another revamp. i'll probably change the title [though my old posts will still be here] and it will probably look a little different. but it's exactly what we [the blog and me] need.

from here on out, we're gonna just let things flow. let the thoughts out that get pushed back all too often because, comparatively, "they're just not that important." i'm realizing the pressure from that push-back that's made me feel - on even a bigger scale than the former intentions of this blog - boxed in. like there's so much light shining on so many things in my mind that it's overwhelming.

i need to unplug. so this will be my blackout zone.

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