
15 October 2008

trying to decide

so, about a month ago, a stray cat started coming up the front door at the funeral home. we decided she was probably a drop-off seeing as how she was very very thin but very friendly and wanted to come inside every time someone opened the door. we began feeding her and she hung around. then one day, about a week ago, she was attacked, with two open wounds on the side of her face. we decided to splurge and buy medicine for her face and for worms we were sure had been plaguing her. needless to say, she hasn't left, and we're pretty sure she's preggers.. woops! so i'm a granny now (awesome.) which brings me to a point where i feel like i should name her and actually take ownership of her. i've come down to two options, but can't decide: "aurora" or "paisley." aurora for the company from which we buy our caskets and paisley for the middle name of my great- and great-great-grandfathers who started the business. so, if you have an opinion, tell me. : )

1 comment:

alice-anne said...

paisley. totally.