
17 October 2008

mulligan day

today i have spent my morning trying to work out a pay schedule for the new york trip i'm taking with my brother's high school drama class this february. here at work, my calendar is one of those almanac-y ones that tells you the dates of the different moon phases, when the best fishing and planting days are, the gestation periods for livestock, etc. it also includes holidays i've never ever heard of. one of which was this past tuesday, which turns out to have been hunter's moon sukkot.. which is some sort of jewish holiday. i googled it and in the process found several 'holiday' sites, several of which told me today is 'mulligan day.'

in case you're not familiar with irish terminology, a mulligan is a golf term that pretty much means 'do-over.' i had known the term before from a sermon i heard in oxford when we went to church with alice-anne last august. the preacher had basically applied it to how we are forgiven, thus, what he called a 'spiritual mulligan.' anyway.. the premise of observing 'mulligan day' would be to allow second chances today. not only for yourself, but for other people as well. the way i see it, it could be an opportunity to start with a clean slate with someone or something in your life. just an interesting thought for today... especially in a world where forgiveness seems harder and harder to come by.

1 comment:

alice-anne said...

i was so about to comment on that sermon...but then i saw that you had already done so...miss you!!